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RESP – The Registered Education Savings Plan

I stopped and checked. I have dedicated a lot of electronic ink on the subject of the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Specifically my “interactions” with TD and associated Universities over my daughters’ academic careers.

Setting Up

I was a neophyte when I first set up my girls’ RESPs. I was unaware that I had other options from being locked into Canada Trust Mutual Funds. Unfortunately, I never got OUT of the CT/TD Mutual Fund World once I was in. If I were doing this now, I would set it up as a Trading Account. I would buy low MER Index Funds or ETFs in it. Hindsight is 20/20 when you are a blogger.


Tuition and School Costs

I did tend to harp on the price of schooling. I did this in September and December when I got the girls’ schooling bills. When I started paying more in September than I made (gross) my first year working, I started getting a little worked up.

Extraction of RESP Funds

After diligently putting money into your RESP accounts, you might think extracting it might be a straightforward process. Unfortunately it is not as easy as you would hope. The first year of taking money out was simple. Then the Government started asking for PROOF that your child was in school before allowing folks to take money out of the RESP accounts.

  • Every year you go through the same things so setting up the Tuition Circle every August might be worthwhile for you too, just to make sure both student and parent know their “duties” for the coming school year.
  • RESP: Back to School Reminders useful to set up a checklist of what you need each August to extract funds from your RESP, is more of the same (i.e. it’s better to talk about this before your kids go off to school).
  • Canada Learning Bond and RESPs, where I think I have figured out more money, that I have never actually ever received thanks to TD not doing what I think they should.
  • RESP and more tree died (which they did this year too), which is last year’s installment on the entire RESP saga. Why can’t this process be done on-line? Someone must get a bonus for the foot length of paper used in this program.
  • Registered Education Savings Plan the Saga continues explains what happens when the system changes from the previous year and the headaches it creates.
  • RESP Wrinkles where I first learned taking out money from an RESP wasn’t going to be as easy as the previous year. Yes, it would be best if you proved your kid has gone off to school.
  • RESP Money to get Money where I found out how much it cost to prove I just spent $2500 . Some schools send you a letter for free, while others figure they should also get paid.
  • RESP: The Old Switcheroo where I rant about one university’s trick for getting more money out of me, it does get repetitive I must admit.
  • RESPs and Rules taking your own money out shouldn’t be this hard, should it? It can be as complicated as your bank wants to make it. Most of the rules are to get you in the front door to sit down with them.
  • RESP: This Round Finally Ends (Prologue) I try to start taking money out of the RESP
  • RESPs Another Year and More Fun is yet another fun year of taking money out from an RESP, when I thought it might be simple (silly me)
  • I wanted to show a simple example of someone putting the Max money in every year until their child turned 18. Thus I wrote RESP : From Start to Spend.
  • Just when I thought I had it all figured out, they change the rules, well, sort of my own fault for switching to E-Series account, but the TD RESP E-series Bear Trap caught me.
  • A professional wrote a Guest Post about this topic as well RESP withdrawals and Taxes misses some info on Quebec and doesn’t point out you should front load taking out taxable funds for your kids.
  • Another guest writer discussed the same topic with A Guide to Understanding the Tax Considerations When Cashing out an RESP . He missed a few crucial points too.

However, with all of this commentary on RESPs, I can say that my four best investments were my kids’ RESP. I got paid back with three kids who got a good start on their Adult lives without a large debt.

I branched out to talk about other RESP programs too:

Given my family is a constant subject in my writings, here are a few extra ones that I wrote over time

Feel Free to Comment

  1. So, I stumbled into your blog because I think I started out like you did. We have an Resp with BMO and they just invest it into their balanced portfolios and now that I’ve been reading up on all the hidden fees, it’s killing me a little! I really want to get the money into something self directed that I pour into index funds. I was looking into the td e-series, and then I saw your blog…. Thoughts?? Suggestions? I’m so overwhelmed now!

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