Our friends at the National Film Board have created an interesting dramatization about what happens when Managers get laid off? What happens after the axe swings?
This hour-long video touches a little too close to the bone, as “Biff” face a lot of the challenges that I met when I was laid off from Nortel. I also unfortunately know many folks who lived through much worse than “Biff” did, the whole layoff thing is a pretty nasty thing to live through, but the older you are the harder it is to deal with.
What would you do? What is your Plan B?
This full-length drama depicts the reality of managers getting fired and the emergence of a new industry specialized in handling executive terminations. The film was made with the cooperation of the business community, which helped script some of the scenes and provided authentic locations. The central figure, D.R. “Biff” Wilson, 44, is a composite figure based on extensive conversations with fired executives.
After the Axe, Sturla Gunnarsson, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
NFB Videos
- How do you make money? The NFB shows you how the mint does it.
- Do you remember the crash of ‘82? The NFB does. Here is a short, talking about the banking problems then.
- The October Crisis is one of Canadian history’s most critical moments, leading to the 1976 Quebec Election.
- Before the October Crisis you had Expo 67 which was a magical time in Montreal.
- How do you stop things that should happen from happening? NFB has some ideas.
- What happens when cars take over? Now that is a possibility.
- A special Mother’s Day message from the National Film Board.
- Do you understand the Vastness that is Canada? This NFB short will give you a glimpse.
- After the Axe is about someone getting laid off, which is close to my heart.
- Vimy Ridge some argue is when Canada became a nation, the NFB has a perspective on it.
- Who hasn’t felt apprehensive at the thought of starting high school?
- NFB does a Fire Prevention short? Why yes, they did.
- Christmas is a subject the NFB has a lot of shorts about. This one looks at both sides of the holiday.
- Do you want an old box for Christmas? An NFB animation might make you want this
- Toronto Boom Town, which grew even larger with the help of the 1976 Quebec election.
- The Faces montage is another amazing bit of animation.
- Here is hockey, or at least how Hockey was back in the 60’s!
- Paddle to the Sea is one of my favourite shorts from the NFB
- The NFB does create some of the most beautiful Christmas Cards.
- The Sweater is another of my favourite NFB shorts, a story that tugs at my heartstrings.
- Banks and Humor It is rare that you see banks and humor in the same sentence, but in this Stephen Leacock story, the humor is quite obvious in the story.