Not all E-mail Deals Are Phishing or Bogus
Not every thing you get in email is phishing or bogus stuff, but always be very careful with the ones you answer. Not everyone is a scumbag (but a lot are)
Not every thing you get in email is phishing or bogus stuff, but always be very careful with the ones you answer. Not everyone is a scumbag (but a lot are)
Blockbuster? Video Stores? Man this is an old post, but still fun to read. This weekend we finally tried out the Rogers Pay Per View system (to watch Michael Clayton, which I’d seen 8/9 of… Read More »Pay Per View vs. Blockbuster
Yesterday we talked about the valuable lessons that can be learned if a student pays for their education themselves, today we look at the alternate view that it is the parent’s duty (or a relatives… Read More »Student Debt (part 2)
Should we assume that student debt is inevitable, given the high tuition fees in Canada (and in the United States too)? Not necessarily
Back in the early days of my oldest daughter going to University. This university cost update was just another hint at what might be ahead. This was before I realized what a great investment I… Read More »University Costs An Update