File Taxes Electronically Get a Break!
Remember when we had to pay to E-file our taxes? Seems crazy today, but back then it was viewed as a luxury, and hard for the government to do?
Remember when we had to pay to E-file our taxes? Seems crazy today, but back then it was viewed as a luxury, and hard for the government to do?
Santa is coming in March! The Federal Budget is coming down, and it is not just any budget, it is a pre-election budget so there will be so many goodies and toys for all the… Read More »Budget Day!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Tax Breaks out of Hell?
You would think a company would go nuts trying to make sure it’s major cash input system was fixed quickly, but evidently not in the world of the CCRA, still no word on when folks… Read More »Monday: Still no taxes for you!
A real blast from the past, from 2007, in the earlier days of e-filing your taxes, CRA had a few issues. Like I said this morning, you can’t e-file right now and you most likely… Read More »No Tax For You!
I really have a bone to pick with my employer. I realize that they don’t legally have to get me my T4 (receipt of employment income) before February “the last” (i.e. the last day of… Read More »Rant: Where is my T4?