Billing Costs Money too, ya know!
Discover the hidden costs of cell phone bills and how Bell Mobility added an unexplained $2.00 charge. Find out the twist at the end!
Discover the hidden costs of cell phone bills and how Bell Mobility added an unexplained $2.00 charge. Find out the twist at the end!
The world of technology is littered with the carcasses of broken ideas, and worse broken companies. Seth Godin makes an interesting point.
If you automate your bill payments make sure you pay yourself first, making sure you build up your savings as well.
Will banks ever off a real service for chronic over spenders to help control their spending? I doubt it, there is too much money in it for them, not to.
The Big Cajun Man proposes two unconventional methods to curb chronic overspending. The first, a Financial Shock Collar, delivers a painful shock to the wearer at the point of purchasing as a deterrent. The second is a self-destructing credit/debit card. Upon usage, the card emits a loud warning and explodes within seconds, creating an instant deterrent and acting as a security measure in case the card is stolen. These conceptually radical solutions highlight the drastic measures some may need to take to control their overspending tendencies.