Money is Cheap so let’s Invest!!!
Is it a good idea to borrow money so that you can invest? Depends on the reason why. I borrowed to buy an RRSP once, to lower my income, but that was a very specific example.
Is it a good idea to borrow money so that you can invest? Depends on the reason why. I borrowed to buy an RRSP once, to lower my income, but that was a very specific example.
TFSA or RRSP is a question many folks ask, but both have their place in. your financial plans. TFSA seems better for short-term savings.
The year 2008 for me was a tumultuous one, with many big changes, that in the end were for the better, I suppose.
A library card is a frugal weapon in your arsenal of personal finance tools. The library is not just books any more, and you should use it!
A cane in your Advent box today signifies, getting older. If you are getting older, maybe it is time to think about RRSP ?