Advice: Two More Thoughts
What is the best advice you have ever received, not just monetary, but life skills advice or just how to live a better life?
What is the best advice you have ever received, not just monetary, but life skills advice or just how to live a better life?
A great piece of advice I received when I was on my first pub crawl was, “Always buy the first round” , and this advice has served me well. Be the one they remember.
March hoop madness may be going on, but that does not mean you should be ignoring your personal finances, it is almost fiscal year end!
Never buy the model home , as you can never be sure how well it was constructed in the first place. It most likely was put up quickly and not carefully.
So far I keep hearing from different sources (the Bank of Canada, Stephen Harper and now the IMF) that Canada will weather the Financial Apocalypse of  the 21st century (at least the first one) and… Read More »Canada in a Good Place?