Random Thoughts: Crisis? What Crisis?
Was it the end of the financial apocalypse of 2008? It was but we didn’t know that at the time. Hard to tell when a crisis is ending.
Was it the end of the financial apocalypse of 2008? It was but we didn’t know that at the time. Hard to tell when a crisis is ending.
Inflation numbers from July 2009 actually showed a deflation of prices (of sorts) after the great credit bubble explosion of 2008.
Mass transit continues to be a question I cannot answer, should I take a car or bus ? In Ottawa, a car is still needed as the transit system is in shambles, for now.
Unemployment in July 2009 plateau’ed. Was that the beginning of the end of the great credit bomb? For me it was, I started working again, finally.
Check your home insurance for water and flooding and what you are covered for, because you might be in for a rude awakening. Are you insured?