Why an RESP for a Disabled Child ?
Why would you open an RESP for a disabled child that already has an RDSP set up? Not as crazy as you might think.
Why would you open an RESP for a disabled child that already has an RDSP set up? Not as crazy as you might think.
Who knew that this time of year had so many financial events? You have the RRSP deadline, tax preparation time and for some another important event. At the beginning of February I receive the Annual… Read More »RDSP Statement of Grant Entitlement
Are you not sure about whether you should apply for the dtc (disability tax credit)? If you or your child has a disability, you should! apply as soon as possible.
Do the ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Plan) and RDSPs complement each other or do they clash? They work together but in a tightly controlled way.
I was on a podcast and while my answers were mostly correct, these RDSP clarifications are needed to be more precise in my answers.