Pay Yourself First : AutoMagic Bill Payments
If you automate your bill payments make sure you pay yourself first, making sure you build up your savings as well.
If you automate your bill payments make sure you pay yourself first, making sure you build up your savings as well.
Every financial talking head talks about how important it is to pay yourself first , but rarely do they give you a nifty system like this, that works.
Most financial analysts say pay yourself first, and while that sounds simple, it is not quite as simple as a lot of folks hope.
Is Money the root of all evil ? Some folks seem to think this is the case, but money is only a tool, maybe they are saying greed is the root of all evil.
What is the found money trap ? When you find money, or receive a gift, what should you do with it? Most folks would not say PAY DOWN DEBT, but you should.