Blue Monday , the Bluest Day of the Year ?
Blue Monday was created by the media after a study showed that the 3rd Monday in the new year is the saddest day of the year, but not in Montreal.
Blue Monday was created by the media after a study showed that the 3rd Monday in the new year is the saddest day of the year, but not in Montreal.
Are you guilty of financial hoarding? What is financial hoarding, well that can cover a myriad of financial topics. How long do you keep paper records? Do you have a lot of old accounts you haven’t closed?
A life experience question is: what is the value of a day off ? In my new job I am allowed to set my schedule such that I can take a day liberty (after I… Read More »The Value of a Day Off
If you had a financial time machine and could go back to fix previous financial blunders in your life, what would you fix first?
Sure I Read It (maybe) Most financial documentation is treated the same way as the Bible, in that most people claim to have read it, but few really have done so (and even fewer can… Read More »Read Financial Documents Before Signing