The Financial Celebration of Lent
The financial celebration of Lent is something anyone can join in with. A time to learn, and a time to add not just remove from your lifestyle.
The financial celebration of Lent is something anyone can join in with. A time to learn, and a time to add not just remove from your lifestyle.
Now we have reached the Christian tradition of Lent, and for those who are religious, or just gluttons for punishment, are looking for things to take up (or give up) for this time of the… Read More »Fiscal Fasting
Lent and finances: Financial penance for your money transgressions. Make NOW the time to start thinking about your finances and planning. Greece and Europe: riding an unpredictable financial roller coaster?
Lent can be a time of atonement, but it also can be a time of growth, take this time to use Lent in Finances and grow your financial world.
Get out your flapjacks, it’s Financial Pancake Tuesday (or Mardi Gras if you are in New Orleans or France) again, or to add clarity it is Shrove Tuesday. Why do they call it Shrove Tuesday,… Read More »Financial Pancake Tuesday (woo hoo!)