Why is a Stock Market Index So Important?
Why is a stock market index so important? Should you follow it every day religiously ? Probably not, check it once a week and you are just fine.
Why is a stock market index so important? Should you follow it every day religiously ? Probably not, check it once a week and you are just fine.
Accountability for CEO’s of large companies, starts and ends with the board of directors, and large shareholders. Their accountability is not to employees, but to the shareholders.
Many years ago an RBC exec showed fiscal restraint by taking a pay cut, but was it really a pay cut, and did they really feel the pinch?
Is it a good idea to borrow money so that you can invest? Depends on the reason why. I borrowed to buy an RRSP once, to lower my income, but that was a very specific example.
TGIF! This week in financial blogging: When will your portfolio recover? Little League Canada’s charity designation removed – read this blog post to find out more!