Random Thoughts
Some random thoughts about the start of Lent in 2009 in February, about money and such. Lent is a time to begin again.
Some random thoughts about the start of Lent in 2009 in February, about money and such. Lent is a time to begin again.
I am hoping to have a first hack at my taxes done very soon, however, as usual my former employer will only send me T4 (and now T4A and others) at the END of February… Read More »Tax Time: All Your Forms?
It is Financial Mardi Gras, time to have that one last bang before Financial Lent, but not really. Maybe just plan what you will do for Lent ?
Obsolete Tax Advice What is interesting is when you write for long enough, tax laws change. Here is a perfect example: these tax credits are now gone. It may be tax time but you can’t… Read More »Tax Time Soon
Does it matter if you are buying foreign securities? Yes, in terms of your taxes, but many Index Funds can help shelter that too.