Festivus Financial Airing of Grievances
Now that Festivus is here, it is time for the financial airing of grievances, and you folk have really been getting on my nerves this year!
Now that Festivus is here, it is time for the financial airing of grievances, and you folk have really been getting on my nerves this year!
I am sick of the 8 great ideas for Christmas that are cropping up so here is a more realistic version of that list.
We can sometimes be a little too polite especially when it comes to our finances, so answering “It’s not quite what I had in mind” is not the best answer.
If someone presents information to you in a meeting delivered using excel only, it is never (ever) good news.
That is really all your father asks for financially, leave him the big piece of chicken, you can have the rest, just don’t take food out of his mouth.