What do Fathers Worry About?
What do fathers worry about ? Plenty, but they usually don’t want to burden you with it. Your Dad’s Dad told him to be a man, you did your job quietly.
What do fathers worry about ? Plenty, but they usually don’t want to burden you with it. Your Dad’s Dad told him to be a man, you did your job quietly.
It seems you must have warnings on all products, so why are there no warnings on financial products ? “This Fund may lose money”
Sometimes folks need some finance inspirational quotes, the way we do with sports and other important events. I have no idea why, but sometimes a quote resonates with your psyche.
If you have $30 Cash but you owe your friend $20 how much money do you really have? You’d be surprised how many daft answers I hear in that situation.
Do you have 40 seconds to a Financial Fill in the Blanks test ? You might surprise yourself with some of your answers (or me).