Some More Christmas Ideas
What exactly are some great ideas that most folks don’t talk about for Christmas? Christmas ideas that are not from the mainstream are my specialty.
What exactly are some great ideas that most folks don’t talk about for Christmas? Christmas ideas that are not from the mainstream are my specialty.
The text criticises some prevalent financial advice today, deeming them as mindless responses to important questions. It highlights examples such as the encouragement of payday loans, purchasing of lottery tickets as retirement plans, the acceptance of high indebtedness, and the justification of excessive Management Expense Ratios (MER) for mutual funds. The author underlines the importance of questioning dubious financial guidance despite how simple or naive these financial queries may seem.
Favorite Sports Catch Phrases & Money Growing up, I was (and still am) a sports fanatic, I loved watching sports on TV (and even listening to them on the Radio), because of the colourful characters… Read More »Money Catch Phrases
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