Price Matching with a Twist
Most stores do price matching for their customers, however, you need to make sure that you are matching the same product, don’t you?
Most stores do price matching for their customers, however, you need to make sure that you are matching the same product, don’t you?
Good Friday is actually the start of Easter, and the start of the Christian Faith as well. Make this a day of new beginnnigs.
There are two things that are inevitable, death and taxes? Maybe, but maybe not?
No Soup for you GM! The new U.S. president is now playing hard ball with GM, and telling them to shape up or he will let them go under. This is an interesting tactic (that… Read More »If GM Goes Down, then What?
Accountability for CEO’s of large companies, starts and ends with the board of directors, and large shareholders. Their accountability is not to employees, but to the shareholders.