Rant: Customer Service
So I went to Best Buy to purchase my Christmas Present Early (because it can in turn create Christmas presents, so I can rationalize the purchase in my head). Talking to the young salesman it… Read More »Rant: Customer Service
So I went to Best Buy to purchase my Christmas Present Early (because it can in turn create Christmas presents, so I can rationalize the purchase in my head). Talking to the young salesman it… Read More »Rant: Customer Service
The best way to make saving work is to make it automatic, and something that you don’t think about it just happens, without your intervention
Found another scary story from Bruce Schneier’s security website about an alleged virus attacking a retirees computer, stealing his E-Trade account credentials and then “wrong doers” using it to empty out his retirement fund. This… Read More »Keep your Computer Secure
Warranties can be a god send, but they can also be a ludicrous, useless add on that vendors make money on.