Spring Cleaning II
Onward we go with our theme of starting anew in the spring, by doing some financial, fiscal, and personal clean up. I mentioned cleaning up old accounts, and that can be taken to debt reduction… Read More »Spring Cleaning II
Onward we go with our theme of starting anew in the spring, by doing some financial, fiscal, and personal clean up. I mentioned cleaning up old accounts, and that can be taken to debt reduction… Read More »Spring Cleaning II
Well folks, it is officially spring, in Ottawa at least. It is raining, and my back yard stinks of dog poop and if that doesn’t signify the start of spring, it may signal the Apocalypse,… Read More »Finance: Spring Cleaning
The best way to make saving work is to make it automatic, and something that you don’t think about it just happens, without your intervention
Remember financially as with most things in life you need to solve the right problem, and that would entail identifying the problem first.
Should you take advice from a religious financial planner? I suppose if it is good advice, it is fine, but is religion the way to plan with your money?