Celebrate the Slow Thinkers
Many of my friends think of me as a fast thinker, in that many times I have very snappy answers to their quips or stories, but it took me a while to figure out that… Read More »Celebrate the Slow Thinkers
Many of my friends think of me as a fast thinker, in that many times I have very snappy answers to their quips or stories, but it took me a while to figure out that… Read More »Celebrate the Slow Thinkers
Sometimes you need manly money comments are really what you need to hear, to point out the error of your ways. Something like, “Why did you buy it?”, is a valid query. Did someone force you to do it?
Focus on resolutions in 2012 for improved self- control and confidence. Learn how to set achievable goals to enhance your life this year.
Some say that free advice is worth every penny of what you pay, but don’t be so sure that if you do pay for advice, it is any good either.
Can good financial advice be done in one line? Evidently there are a few really choice pieces of advice that fits nicely on one line.