You Aren’t Poor
You aren’t poor, you are broke, is a simple way to describe a lot of folks’ position these days. You need to get more money.
You aren’t poor, you are broke, is a simple way to describe a lot of folks’ position these days. You need to get more money.
Financial finger wagging is the basis of most financial blogging sites including this one, so behave! (financially)
The BIg Cajun Man compares debt to teenage sex; both are widely discussed yet often misunderstood. Footing the regular bill of debt approval are banks, credit card companies, and pay day loan companies who benefit from it, despite the potential adverse implications. The normalization of debt is criticized, pointing out that popular acceptance does not denote its validity or acceptability. With an old-school perspective, BCM challenges this, highlighting the “everybody else is doing it” mentality as a flawed justification. BCM invites fresh perspectives on the analogy, showing openness to alternative interpretations.
Remember when oil was over $100 a barrel, Nortel was still viable but the markets were crashing, yes that was 2008! Can it happen again?