Prisoners of Debt (80s financial crisis)
If you think that prisoners of debt is a 21st century issue, think again, and the NFB will show you what happened in the 1980s , which seems similar.
If you think that prisoners of debt is a 21st century issue, think again, and the NFB will show you what happened in the 1980s , which seems similar.
The budget deficit and the national debt are two different values, although the first adds to the second, but many times the media seem to mix them up.
The Big Cajun Man proposes two unconventional methods to curb chronic overspending. The first, a Financial Shock Collar, delivers a painful shock to the wearer at the point of purchasing as a deterrent. The second is a self-destructing credit/debit card. Upon usage, the card emits a loud warning and explodes within seconds, creating an instant deterrent and acting as a security measure in case the card is stolen. These conceptually radical solutions highlight the drastic measures some may need to take to control their overspending tendencies.
This is getting a little repetitive but Bank of Canada’s key overnight rate remains at 1/4% unchanged again this month. The overall Bank Rate remains at 1/2% as well, which means cheap money continues in… Read More »Interest Rates Going Nowhere For Now
Some obvious headlines that we see every day, but don’t take much notice, number 5 won’t surprise you, at all.