More Given by Who(m)?
In 2007 less folks gave, but they ended up giving more to charities. An interesting predicament to be in.
In 2007 less folks gave, but they ended up giving more to charities. An interesting predicament to be in.
It’s easy to think of Charity only in monetary terms, because that is how many of us think of what charity is, giving of our monetary wealth. I was cleaning up a few broken links… Read More »Sunday Thought: What is Giving?
“Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver†(II Corinthians 9:7) Why would anyone give their money away in a cheerful way?… Read More »Sunday Thoughts: Giving
What is your definition of true charity ? Is it helping a neighbor? Visiting loved ones? Giving to the needy ? What is true charity ?
Charity is our ability to give thanks, by helping others. We all have been helped by someone in our lives, might be time to pay some of that back.