December is Here, think End of Year
Here comes the end of year financially are you doing what you need to, to keep your tax house in order? End of year is important financially.
Here comes the end of year financially are you doing what you need to, to keep your tax house in order? End of year is important financially.
So if I offered you “free” tax return preparation, and with that, I would give you an instant Tax Rebate, once I am finished (no waiting for the mean old CRA to pay out), would… Read More »Bird in the Hand or Tax Refund Later?
That is pretty much the onslaught I am expecting for February, as the deadline for buying RRSPs is the end of February. Â I note my TD branch has their Ketchup Bottles out, reminding us how… Read More »RRSP Season is HERE!!!! OMG!!!!
Warren Buffett has been saying to the media he thinks the American Tax rules are flawed if he ends up paying less tax (as a percentage) than his secretary does, and while I applaud his… Read More »Does Canada Need a Buffett Rule?
The CRA does have a helpline that you can call if you have income tax questions. In April this line is quite busy, but better to wait to ask than be wrong.