Remember When Things were better?
Remember when things were better? Were they really? Nostalgia really ain’t what it used to be.
Remember when things were better? Were they really? Nostalgia really ain’t what it used to be.
No Rate Hikes So the Bank of Canada kept their overnight target rate at 1/4 per cent for March, giving us all cheap money for a little while longer. Rememmber that the C.D. Howe institute… Read More »Bank of Canada: No Rate Hikes (yet)
This is getting a little repetitive but Bank of Canada’s key overnight rate remains at 1/4% unchanged again this month. The overall Bank Rate remains at 1/2% as well, which means cheap money continues in… Read More »Interest Rates Going Nowhere For Now
Go Ahead, change your banks, was not a line from Dirty Harry, but I wish it was. You need to change banks to get a better deal these days.
Setting up an RDSP should be straight forward, however, due to it not being a heavily used savings vehicle, the Banks have not made it simple.