So High Taxes Are Good For Me?
Discover the impact of high taxes on quality of life. Explore the findings of a report comparing countries with different tax rates.
Discover the impact of high taxes on quality of life. Explore the findings of a report comparing countries with different tax rates.
In 2006 we spoke about the one percent that owned everything, but we didn’t really notice, they are now being noticed.
Our amigo over at the Canadian Capitalist, had a good posting yesterday about the amount of groceries that are wasted by a typical household. I can believe that we waste 14% of our groceries, if… Read More »Groceries, one of your biggest expenses
I have become my mother, where I am saving money by doing simple things like emptying the ends of ketchup bottles or detergent bottles.
Let’s wrap up this week’s topic of the essential and permanent lifestyle changes that are going to be needed to be successful in your debt reduction plan. Debt reduction lifestyle changes must be made. In… Read More »Debt Reduction Lifestyle