MER : A Worm in the RESP Money Tree
The high MERs some folks pay for their kids’s RESP Mutual funds is truly the worm in the money tree, that is the Registered Education Savings Plan
The high MERs some folks pay for their kids’s RESP Mutual funds is truly the worm in the money tree, that is the Registered Education Savings Plan
If you do not ask or act on the things you should, you’re getting Rejection by Default as your response. Doing nothing isn’t the right choice
It will be Fathers Day coming up, and while COVID-19 seems to be under control, it is not going anywhere just yet.
What is your Found Money Roadmap? How will you deal with found money? Simply spend it, or will you try to make things better for yourself? Blowing found money quickly will simply get you deeper into financial trouble.
After the long weekend will it be Boxing Tuesday in Ontario, with many stores opening up? Will there be retail mayhem? This and many other great financial opinions and discussions this week, a month into the #COVID19 lockdown.