Glitches, Greece, Recessions and #BestMoneyStories
Plenty going on in July 2015 but Greece was going into bankruptcy, and were we actually in a recession? Maybe.
Plenty going on in July 2015 but Greece was going into bankruptcy, and were we actually in a recession? Maybe.
Do Canadians borrow for wealth? Unfortunately many do, and not just to buy their own house, many more used cheap money to build wealth. Unfortunately the chickens are now coming back to roost, with rising interest rates.
Thanks to the odd placement of July 1st this year, I am enjoying two 2-day work weeks (unfortunately with a 1-day weekend in between). I did my best to stuff as much as possible into my 1 day weekend.
It is the 4th of July on Saturday, and our American relations will show how a Real Party is done. More than one comedian has quipped that the 4th should be renamed Blow Something Up Day, but I am OK with seeing a country truly revel in its own freedoms. Oh, and for those who have said, “I am moving to Canada now that same-sex marriage is legal”, you might want to reconsider things a little. 🗽
Greece, ’nuff said. By the way, who loaned them the money, Money Mart?
According to our friends over at the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Bill C-518 died “on the vine”, in the Senate. Bill C-518 was the bill passed in the house of commons that was, “… (the law to revoke taxpayer-funded pensions from criminal politicians)…”, I guess I am curious to ask, “And you thought the Senate would pass it?”. The CTF is always fun to read (I agree with the National Post on that one).
Now that Canada Day is done, what next? August long weekend? Simcoe Days? Labor Day? Christmas? Yikes! :
Canada is one of the finest nations in the world, let us celebrate it. #CanadaDay
Gasoline prices continue to befuddle the Inflation numbers in Canada for May 2015,