Robo-Advisors a God Send to Investing ?
Are robo-advisors going to be the technology god send investors need, or will they simply be technology playing the same game as humans? They will have biases, no matter what anyone says.
Are robo-advisors going to be the technology god send investors need, or will they simply be technology playing the same game as humans? They will have biases, no matter what anyone says.
More people working in September 2015 but more unemployed in this Labour force survey, complicated count I suppose.
Written in 2015, just before the election. Good times… The Canadian Election is finally within our grasp, but before that there will be plenty of interesting tweets about money and the economy that you should… Read More »Election 2015 Talk and Money Tweets for the Week
As we approach the Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, it’s important to remember that this marks the beginning of a deadly quarter for turkeys, culminating in the Christmas Turkey Massacre. While we gather to enjoy our festive meals with family and friends, we cannot forget the birds that have given their lives for our consumption. Let us all take a moment to appreciate the sacrifice of these plump and juicy birds, and consider ways to reduce the harm caused during this holiday season.
Speaking of fat and juicy, the election campaign continues to be neither of those words. Mr. Harper is keeping all of his candidates under strict lock and key so there is no danger of “confusing the message” or, worse still, voicing their own opinions. I have noticed that all of the television advertising I have seen for the election is about the Party Leaders, and I am reasonably confident I would not know my local candidates unless they ran me over in the parking lot (pretty sure that would make Mr. Harper upset too). Have you decided which candidate in your local riding you will be voting for? Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? This is your one chance to have a say in the running of your country, and my opinion is that if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain.
It is interesting that as a Civil Servant my union has barraged my home phone with more messages about who I should be voting for and such, and it is an odd situation if I think about it. Obviously, the PSAC folks seem to have quite the “hate on” for Mr. Harper, but the sense I get is that they think the Liberals would be better for the Civil Service. I guess folks don’t remember Paul Martin and Jean Chretien’s great massacres of the Civil Service in the 90s? As for the NDP, Mr. Mulcair sometimes sounds as conservative as Mr. Harper, all very confusing to a simple soul such as myself. Sounds like we might even have a 3-way tie? Guess we might be voting again soon?
As Thanksgiving approaches I continue to be lazy and not put out a very regular schedule of posts, and my apologies to my regular readers, but sometimes life does interfere with my writing.
The last few elections have shown that polling sometimes can be completely out of whack, but this poll seems to suggest, you should make sure you vote this election (you see what I did there? I turned it around):