Inflation Jumps for April to 1.7%
Find out the CPI (Consumer Price Index) statistics for April 2008 in Canada and understand their implications on the financial landscape.
Stats Canada has a large amount of great reports not just about the Canadian economy but about Canadian consumers and they are well worth reading.
Find out the CPI (Consumer Price Index) statistics for April 2008 in Canada and understand their implications on the financial landscape.
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Our friends in Stats Canada put out yet another interesting article yesterday comparing the income of Canadians and specifically Canadian families. Being a member of a Canadian family as usual I find the numbers fascinating… Read More »Income In Canada
Learn about the CPI inflation rate in March 2008 and its impact on the economy. Stay ahead of the curve with our in-depth analysis.
Having a Math Degree I like numbers and when the Census figures came out from Stats Canada yesterday I reveled in the glorious minutia of the data that that was published. Some of the interesting… Read More »Census Numbers are Interesting