Canadians buying less foreign securities
Does it matter if you are buying foreign securities? Yes, in terms of your taxes, but many Index Funds can help shelter that too.
Stats Canada has a large amount of great reports not just about the Canadian economy but about Canadian consumers and they are well worth reading.
Does it matter if you are buying foreign securities? Yes, in terms of your taxes, but many Index Funds can help shelter that too.
In January 2009, the drop in employment was most pronounced in manufacturing, where the net loss totalled 101,000. There were declines in a number of other industries as well. The only industry with notable gains was health care and social assistance, where employment increased by 31,000
In 2010 TD decided to jack the interest rate on my unsecured line of credit, and it’s rate keeps rising, unfortunately.
Analyzing the December 2008 Consumer Price Index: Dive into the major factors affecting the CPI, including plummeting gas prices and deflation.
The media has grown weary of the whole concept of inflation or hyper-inflation so this week they have latched onto the new Evil Specter in the woods, Unemployment. On Friday Stats Canada announced the monthly… Read More »Unemployment the new Dark Knight