RRSP or Mortgage Then?
I wrote this before the dawn of the TFSA, so I have spruced it up with where your TFSA might fit into this equation. The data I mention are in the following posts: Case 1:… Read More »RRSP or Mortgage Then?
I wrote this before the dawn of the TFSA, so I have spruced it up with where your TFSA might fit into this equation. The data I mention are in the following posts: Case 1:… Read More »RRSP or Mortgage Then?
The question really is not only, RRSP or Mortgage. The real question is savings or pay off debt. Can you run a marathon with 100 extra pounds on your back?
Are RRSP loans a good idea? Borrow money to maximize your RRSP payments? It is an idea, but is it a very good idea? That remains to be seen.