Bloody Free Offers
Never give your credit card to a free offer, because if you give it to them, as sure as the sun rises in the morning, they will use it.
Never give your credit card to a free offer, because if you give it to them, as sure as the sun rises in the morning, they will use it.
July 7 2005 was a barbaric date that will live in infamy. I will not forget this date or the images I saw on that date.
Lotteries are for Suckers This is from my first years of writing, but I do like the sentiment. For those of you who enjoy lotteries, may I ask you to please just send me 10%… Read More »Lotteries? What are you Nuts?
Unclutter your life both in terms of mess, but also in terms finances. If you have a cluttered financial life how do you track everything? How many credit cards do you have?