Rant: Customer Service
So I went to Best Buy to purchase my Christmas Present Early (because it can in turn create Christmas presents, so I can rationalize the purchase in my head). Talking to the young salesman it… Read More »Rant: Customer Service
So I went to Best Buy to purchase my Christmas Present Early (because it can in turn create Christmas presents, so I can rationalize the purchase in my head). Talking to the young salesman it… Read More »Rant: Customer Service
Elder abuse and theft from seniors in public is truly a despicable deed. Anybody who thinks this is normal, has a sick idea of what normal is.
Some helpful hints if you are planning on using a Pay Day Loan place to get yourself one of these high interest rate loans.
Do personal coaches really change things? I know it does for them, they make good money, but do folks really learn that much from them?
Discover the crazy fees people pay to get their money from an ATM! Get the latest tips to avoid them.