Random Thoughts: $50 Billion is a lot of money
U.S. faces Hyperinflation risk: Learn what a huge federal budget deficit could mean for economy. Keyphrase ‘federal’ used twice.
U.S. faces Hyperinflation risk: Learn what a huge federal budget deficit could mean for economy. Keyphrase ‘federal’ used twice.
Do we really have zero inflation or is it all an illusion? Prices go up, but other prices go down, in the end are you paying more?
When financial bloggers get together what do they talk about? Money, somewhat, but also some more esoteric discussions as well.
This week was dominated by the Pandemic of Swine Flu, but also with the bankruptcy protection of Chrysler leading to another possible massive erosion of Retirement and Pension systems in place in the U.S. and… Read More »Friday Random Thoughts: When Pigs Fly and Swine Flu
Summer begins and remember the importance of getting your snow tires off quickly or you will have a bald set of tires quickly.