Random Thoughts: Without Inflating it
Inflation for December 2009 was at a low 1.3% but there were other financial topics to talk about as well.
Inflation for December 2009 was at a low 1.3% but there were other financial topics to talk about as well.
Having folks skate on the Rideau Canal Skateway is important to Ottawa tourism. This and other 2010 important financial stories.
Once you start asking financial questions, it is hard to stop asking those hard questions, but you need answers too!
Christmas on a budget? Check out these insights from the financial 8-ball. Discover why the Bank of Canada doesn’t like your debt, and answer the question: can money buy happiness? November 2009 was tough – don’t miss this!
No this is not a Daniel Cook episode, but another Friday round-up from the world of Financial Blogging. In a week where we saw that Interest Rates did not budge, and some encouraging news about… Read More »Random Thoughts: I Dare You!