Slow Thinking, Fast Olympians and Random Thoughts for a Friday
Celebrate slow thinking with Simon Whitfield & Ottawa’s forest fires. Thinking before making a snap decision matters! #SlowThinking
Celebrate slow thinking with Simon Whitfield & Ottawa’s forest fires. Thinking before making a snap decision matters! #SlowThinking
Lots of things were blowing up real good in 2012, but not just explosions but also some fun financial info as well.
The Harper Government Cuts continue in Ottawa, and many Civil Servants find out in a few weeks if they’ll be affected. Housing bubble in Canada and Ottawa/Gatineau may be impacted. Sunday Canada Day will be celebrated on Parliament Hill. One colour guard had a bayonet accident – he looks OK.
Celebrate National Aboriginal Day & Quebec’s Fete Nationale! Learn why Canadians should not move firewood. 🔥🌲 #Quebec #NationalAboriginalDay
Father’s Day is the day to thank the light, the heat, and the biggest man – your Dad! Show your Dad some love and appreciation this Father’s Day. Don’t forget to buy him a gift too!