RDSP , New Mortgage Rules Hurts Economy and #MoneyTalk
This week I start with another big Thank you to Mark Goodfield for posting another helpful overview article (written by Howard Kazdan ) entitled, The Registered Disability Savings Plan A Government-Assisted Savings Plan for Family Members that Qualify for the Disability Tax Credit . I have written a great deal about my misadventures with this program, as well as my issues with TD Direct Investing (still the best RDSP out there, unfortunately), but this overview is a good read for anyone wishing to get a few hints to help out a disabled loved one (financially). Remember to read the Henson Trust Article as well.
The 3rd US Presidential debate happened nuff said.
There are dire warnings that the new Mortgage rules are going to hinder young folks ability to purchase houses, however, as usual Michael James had an excellent tweet in response (see the financial tweet area for that chestnut). The government seems to be attempting to gently let the air out of the bubble, we shall see whether it pops in spite of the gentle treatment.
The Bank of Canada announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/2 per cent, which is nothing new. The reasons why are always interesting, so let us peal that onion a bit more. Interesting that the new house buying rules are mentioned in this report as well,
This is due in large part to slower near-term housing resale activity and a lower trajectory for exports. The federal government’s new measures to promote stability in Canada‘s housing market are likely to restrain residential investment while dampening household vulnerabilities
Interesting that the Bank is almost scolding the Government for bringing the new housing rules in place? Maybe not, scolding, but pointing an accusatory finger.
My Writings for the Week Ending October 21st
Having watched the happenings down south, I had a small epiphany about how voting and financial planning are pretty darn similar (at least how we implement them), so I wrote, We Invest the Way We Vote . I have read a few articles that simply telling to populous to vote, without telling them to make an informed vote, is at best reckless at worst dangerous, and after watching what has gone on in the Republican Party, I think the theory is valid. Become informed on the topic, before executing!
New Mortgage Rules All Bad?
I think Michael James makes an interesting point with this simple tweet.