Mid-Year Personal Finance Check Up (Now What)
Is it time for a mid-year personal finance check up? Are your goals for the year being reached? Can you tell? If not, might be time to do a check up.
Is it time for a mid-year personal finance check up? Are your goals for the year being reached? Can you tell? If not, might be time to do a check up.
Financial Planning is like a lot of things, but for me, it is very much like Meccano was to me as a kid. A set of parts to build something amazing. You need the right tools to build your financial plan, and an ability to fix mistakes.
Time to spring ahead, or move our clocks forward? Dark mornings but more light in the evening? How does this fit with money?
Unemployment Rate for July Down Why is it I always seem to go opposite to the going trends? On Friday our friends at Stats Canada came out with a new employment figures for the month… Read More »Unemployment Down?
It is always important in life to have a target, and having a financial target means you are more likely to have something to aim at.