Finance and Gen Y
What did Gen Y bring to the finance table? Pay Day Loans, On Line betting, and a whole lotta loan action.
What did Gen Y bring to the finance table? Pay Day Loans, On Line betting, and a whole lotta loan action.
You can have a lot of fun with numbers, including figuring out how much someone is paid based on when their CPP premiums stop for the year.
Should you leave your money in your company’s pension ? Most plans offer a “cash out” capability so the question is pension or LIRA ?
One of the important things that I learned on my “so you think you can retire” course last week was that if you wish to split your Canada Pension Plan benefits it is a very… Read More »CPP Splitting A Different Process
The federal Government of Canada has too many Civil Servants, but no Prime Minister wants to wield the axe to the workforce that might be needed.