Budget 2015 What’s In It For Me ?
Budget 2015 Federal had some things for everyone, however not a great deal for anyone in specific? Typical budget. Except the TFSA limit was moved to $10,000 !
Budget 2015 Federal had some things for everyone, however not a great deal for anyone in specific? Typical budget. Except the TFSA limit was moved to $10,000 !
There is a Child Tax Credit? Not any more for us, as our kids are grown up, and not for you either, because these all go away.
It is important to give tax tips for parents with kids that have disabilities, as they deserve all the help we can give them!
This was written before Line 423 appeared on your CRA allowing for partial Family Income Tax Credit, but I still can’t get my head around why they don’t make it a complete tax credit. Isn’t… Read More »Splitting Income For Single Income Families
Should you work less so you can pay less tax ? I think if you have that option, you are not working , you are most likely an entrepreneur or working for yourself.