Random Thoughts: Things don’t go boom
Remember when things were better? Were they really? BMO Mortgage Frauds in Western Canada, Boom! May Day marks the rise of the working man!
Remember when things were better? Were they really? BMO Mortgage Frauds in Western Canada, Boom! May Day marks the rise of the working man!
Dear Gentle Reader, there are days that I can see the topic that I wish to write about as clear as the sun, and then there are days like this. The topic is obtuse and… Read More »Boobs as a Metaphor for Earthquakes?
Although the holes are rather small OK, I just could not resist putting that up as the title for today, given the complete mess Europe’s air travel is now in, thanks to a simple Volcanic… Read More »Ash Holes in Europe
Nothing Scarier than a Strong Loonie The Canadian Dollar (aka the Loonie) is now at parity with it’s American Cousin, which means Canadians can spend freely in the U.S. and U.S. products in Canada should… Read More »Strong Loonies
What do investing regrets and Good Friday have to do with each other? Not much but read on to find out what I did wrong in life.