Job Hunting Tips
There are many job hunting tips out there, and here are a few of the more esoteric ones that you might not read about on many job sites.
There are many job hunting tips out there, and here are a few of the more esoteric ones that you might not read about on many job sites.
The BIg Cajun Man compares debt to teenage sex; both are widely discussed yet often misunderstood. Footing the regular bill of debt approval are banks, credit card companies, and pay day loan companies who benefit from it, despite the potential adverse implications. The normalization of debt is criticized, pointing out that popular acceptance does not denote its validity or acceptability. With an old-school perspective, BCM challenges this, highlighting the “everybody else is doing it” mentality as a flawed justification. BCM invites fresh perspectives on the analogy, showing openness to alternative interpretations.
In keeping with yesterday’s helpful post about how we get into debt, here are some very helpful hints on how to save some money, by saving some gas this summer. One of my biggest expenses… Read More »Saving Money by Saving Gas
There are so many reasons you are in debt, but for now let us concentrate on the top 5 possible reasons you are in debt. If you are asking, “Why am I in Debt?”, this is the list for you.
Is there a magic number that we can use to define whether we are in debt? Folks will tell you there is, but for me the number is ZERO, no debt.