Personal Finance Inspirational Quotes
Sometimes folks need some finance inspirational quotes, the way we do with sports and other important events. I have no idea why, but sometimes a quote resonates with your psyche.
Sometimes folks need some finance inspirational quotes, the way we do with sports and other important events. I have no idea why, but sometimes a quote resonates with your psyche.
If you have $30 Cash but you owe your friend $20 how much money do you really have? You’d be surprised how many daft answers I hear in that situation.
Do you have 40 seconds to a Financial Fill in the Blanks test ? You might surprise yourself with some of your answers (or me).
Two Step Financial Plans – it is as easy as drawing an owl? No, it is not, but it isn’t as hard as folks think. #Start and see what happens. #Read and see what you learn. Don’t just sit there thinking you can’t do it, go do it. The only things stopping this from happening is, you.
How do families deal with large expenditures like university educations or weddings? I have my own plan on those two topics.