Old Bar B Q’s and flames
What time is it when your bar b q is spouting flames through the lid? Time to get a new bar b q would be my guess.
What time is it when your bar b q is spouting flames through the lid? Time to get a new bar b q would be my guess.
The introduction of erectile dysfunction (ED) medications like Viagra has reportedly contributed to an improvement in men’s health. Typically reluctant to seek medical attention unless absolutely necessary, men have been more inclined to visit doctors for ED prescriptions. These visits often result in comprehensive physical check-ups, potentially uncovering other health issues. This shift in behavior, driven by concerns about maintaining sexual performance, may inadvertently increase lifespan and general health among men. A parallel can be drawn to financial health, suggesting that similar tactics could improve financial wellbeing.
Horror stories about money can take interesting, and sometimes terrifying, turns. Find out just how fear-inducing Glen’s financial prose can make it with this interesting Tiago concept. #Horror
Terrifying tales of financial advice twisted the fate of two people. Read the gruesome details & how they won boxed copies of Quicken.
Can you sum up your financial life with a single zinger or financial punch lines ? Think about how Rodney D. might describe your financial life.