Cities As a Mathematical Model
Can you create mathematical models of cities to predict how they will function? Maybe, but you can only tell in hindsight.
Can you create mathematical models of cities to predict how they will function? Maybe, but you can only tell in hindsight.
Program Up and Running So as part of the Budget 2011 there was a mention of restarting the Eco Energy program and the government has now finally restarted the program and you can read more… Read More »EcoEnergy On Line and Ready to Go!
Didn’t we already have a budget? Oh yes, the Budget to Nowhere which effectively triggered the election, which brought the Conservatives a Majority, guess the Liberals wished they voted FOR that one, but hindsight is… Read More »Budget 2011 Redux
So on Friday we had the Throne Speech for 2011, and some excitement, with a Senate Page taking her opportunity to become the new Canadian Media Icon (aka 15 minutes of fame (to quote Andy… Read More »More from the Throne
Learn about the staggering national debt in the US in 2011 and its potential impact on the global economic system.