Hazardous Waste Charges
I have had this discussion with a few folks, and figured I’d bring this one to my readership: Why do governments assume we will pay fees to dispose of hazardous waste? When I first moved… Read More »Hazardous Waste Charges
I have had this discussion with a few folks, and figured I’d bring this one to my readership: Why do governments assume we will pay fees to dispose of hazardous waste? When I first moved… Read More »Hazardous Waste Charges
The November 2008 Federal speech from the throne was not exactly the most exciting speech ever, but it didn’t do much either.
One of the most terrifying questions in any part of life, but especially for investing. Is it safe to put my money in? out? do nothing? Is it Safe ?
Jim Flaherty is predicted to announce this to help ease the credit crunch, but is this going to help? We shall see, but it isn’t bad news, except for tax payers like us, who are now on… Read More »Federal Government will Back Bank to Bank Loans?
During the 2008 market and credit meltdown I did write about just how messed up everything seemed to be. It was a very interesting time.