COBOL and Finance
When it comes to money being collected or paid, be sure that COBOL is the last step before a transaction transpires. When does it’s world begin? May 20, 1875
When it comes to money being collected or paid, be sure that COBOL is the last step before a transaction transpires. When does it’s world begin? May 20, 1875
Many days the media seems to be very confused. They use the term Deficit and Debt interchangeably, and they are not the same thing (in terms of government spending). In terms of Governments, a Deficit,… Read More »Deficit Reduction or Debt ?
RDSP and Budget 2019 , the government added two changes to the program that make sense and address some important issues. These changes became law once the Budget was passed in 2019.
As most Canadians hear every few weeks, the pay system for the federal Civil Service has been updated, and the new system (called Phoenix) has had many problems, which has caused many serious problems for… Read More »Phoenix Pay System Side Swipe
Are you aiming to have a personal spending surplus, just like the Government? Too bad you can’t just print money the way they do.