Election Day Comes to Ontario 2011
What happened on Election Day 2011 in Ontario? The results did surprise us, that is for sure. Why did it happen?
What happened on Election Day 2011 in Ontario? The results did surprise us, that is for sure. Why did it happen?
Aislin summed the 2011 election that swept Jack Layton’s NDP into official opposition status, and decimated the Liberals. Take a Valium!
No, I am not quite back from Blogcation yet, but I have created a friendly reminder, that if you are of voting age, and you are allowed to vote, it is a moral imperative that… Read More »Vote Today Canada
Debates between the Nerd & Bully, but what can change? Jack Layton #Fail, Canadian Families talked about – Read #election debates now!
What is surprising is that I originally wrote this during the last provincial election, and somehow it still seems to be on target? Wow, politics needs to move forward in the province of Ontario. Big… Read More »I promise less services and lower taxes!